this time round, Chef M is my mentor. Since Basic, he was quite concerned about my speed in class which i was extremely concerned as well. so he asked me how i was coping and i felt it was all good except that i am still one of the slowest in class. However, i am still able to make it on time most of the time =x hmm ok i am not sure now (recalling that i was actually told by Chef C today that my Biscuit Joconde should be in the oven at that time)
Haizz Pam Pam Pam, u need to buck up. how to pass the exam if you are so slow. (the audit syndrome of talking to myself is back)
the 3 exam pieces for Intermediate are Friasier (which is the simplest, i can do it quite all right), Opera (the most technical piece. we did the Opera today and i layered it horribly. in my opinion it's not a piece that will pass. however, Chef C said it's a 60-70ish% score if presented for exam) and lastly Sabrina (one of the busiest cake with the many little details. hence, a very time consuming cake to make).
tell me how can i do it if i am so slow...seriously.. but that's not what i should be worrying about. all i should do is to work on my speed. hurry hurry hurry..stop pondering, be organized and plan well. hmmm but actually i did. just that...hmm i do not know why :( please let me be quick from next lesson onwards. i do not like this horrible feeling creeping back on me. get lost u evil thingy (flicking it off *ping*)
oh btw i didnt score very well for this review. the result is kinda upsetting. i mean i do not expect much from it since everyone in this class are on the higher end when it comes to their skills. Chef M told me that i should not think of it negatively as i am doing Intermediate now and that getting such result is considered good enough. Oh well, thank you chef for the encouragement but i am still kinda upset about it. :( since basic i have been telling myself to buck up but i am still one of the last few in class (just like i keep saying i need to lose weight and perfect my Japanese like eons years ago). Guess my talent is not in patisserie. All my life i have been working hard to attain the things that i want. i guess this is no exception. and my aim is to be one of the BEST. yes you heard me. i know this aim seems to be a little too big to attain when i am so tiny at the moment. but i am determined. I know action speaks louder than words, so i will start practising as much as i can and go broke. ingredients are really expensive here. if only i am able to sell my what i had made :( hahaa
time for bed. going for ice skating tomorrow with the friends :) nighty night...
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